HTI rolls out refresher training programme for employees
At H&T Industrial, we are proud to say we have seen nearly 50 years of experience manufacturing deep-drawn metal components and providing precision manufactured high volume components with exceptional repeatability and accuracy – that’s a heck of a lot of rivets and pen parts to you and me! But as a precision engineering company that has invested over £15million into its manufacturing site in terms of infrastructure and equipment since 2002, we believe that it was the right time to start investing our money (and time) elsewhere.
Back in 2013, we introduced our H&T Excellence scheme which enabled us to promote the reduction of the 10 wastes by giving our employees bespoke training onsite. At the beginning of everyone’s journey @ HTI we believe it’s important to instil the fundamental factors and importance of lean manufacturing which is why everyone undertakes our basics training through a number of different tasks, concepts and simulations.
We have now recently started to introduce refresher training sessions to our employees that have been with us a number of years to ensure we continue to put these principles into place and keep the cogs to our very well-oiled machine going (as efficiently as we can of course).
To help us achieve these goals even further alongside our basics and refresher training, we introduced an Observation, Problem & Improvement (OPI) scheme at our Blackburn site. This invites all employees to make suggestions to help reduce waste and create cost savings for the site.
We believe that encouraging our employees in this way alongside all the training they have received gives us the best environment to practice what we preach whilst also learning from each other’s experiences.